Old Girl’s Association
The Old Girl’s Association Meeting was held on 17.11.2012 to bridge the gap between the youngsters and the aged ones. The younger generations took the senior citizens to the world of entertainment.
Educational Tours
Learning takes place better by seeing than by hearing. The students and the teachers go on an educational tour to important historical places every year. This year the students had the privilege to on an Educational tour for three days from 29.01.2013 to 31.01.2013 to Bangalore and Mysore .
Christmas Carol
The Christmas Carol was conducted in our institute on 21.12.2012 to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. Our students enacted a skit depicting the ‘Manger scene’. It was really a remarkable and splendid moment which will be cherished in the minds of the students forever.
Red Ribbon Club
Red Ribbon Club Programme was conducted in our institute on 20.12.2012. Four teachers of our institute Mrs.Sheela Jasker ,Mrs.Saral Jeya , Mrs. Glory veronica and Mrs.Malarvili attended the training programme in DIET vannaramutti and conducted Red Ribbon Class for our students on 20.12.2012 to create AIDS Awareness in the minds of the students.
Practice Teaching:
Students are given sufficient practice in teaching to improve their confidence. The institute arranges observation, Teaching Practice and project work mostly in reputed schools in and around Nazareth ..We sincerely thank the Headmasters, Headmistress and teachers of the respective schools who give their whole hearted co-operation to sharpen the qualifies and teaching efficiency of our students. . High quality of teaching practice is undertaken by the students.
Annual Day Cum Sports Meet
The Annual Day was celebrated in our institute on 16th March 2013. Our pastorate cheirmen Rev.Dr.S.Manickem presided over the function.Dr.N.G.Thevagaran,Joint Director of Health Service,Incharge ,Thoothukudi District was the chief guest on that day. He gave a notable address to the students.
The Annual Sports Meet was declered open by Mr.P.Durairaj the Executive Committee Member.
The students who excelled in their academics and sports were awarded medals and prizes. It was really a memorable and remarkable day for our students.
Parent-Teacher Association:
Parent –Teacher Association Meetings are held every now and then .Parents give their whole hearted co-operation and support for the development of the institute. In our institute we give intensive training to youngsters and mould them into good teachers, who in turn, move out to different parts of India and work in schools imparting the light of knowledge to tiny tots, We earnestly solicit co-operation, help and prayers from the people in the glorious task of turning out of good teachers from our training institute.